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Collaborations For CheerFit x imPAct Fitness Platform

Author : CheerForce Singapore


The CheerFit x imPAct Fitness Platform was created in July 2020 post Circuit Breaker to promote cheerleading and fitness among the Singapore community. The sessions usually includes a HIIT cardio workout, a body weight strength workout and a calisthenics handstand workout. However, this coming September and October we are making some changes to make way for a series of collaborations with our special guests.

Starting from September, you will get the opportunity to learn from our guests from different disciplines and get some tips and tricks from them on how to get better at your craft. For the first round of our collaborations, we have invited local acrobat Beverly Wan from Circus of Altrades, advanced level competitive pole dancer Margarita and professional sports massage therapist Pavithra on to share with you their knowledge that they have in their own area of expertise.

First up, we have Beverly Wan, one of the leading artists of the Circus of Altrades. She has been sponsored to attend circus training courses in Australia, where she was taught by professionals and trained with acrobats all over the world. Her handstand classes will be on 7 September and 19 October 8:30pm-9:30pm on CheerFit x imPAct online zoom platform.

Next up, we have Margarita, an advanced level competitive pole dancer who had the pleasure of performing at the Singapore Night Festival 2019 and she holds the title of The Brass Barree’s Freestyle Battle Queen (Halloween 2018). Her 4 flexibility stretching classes will be held back to back on 21 & 28 September and 5 & 12 October on CheerFit x imPAct online zoom platform.

Lastly, we have Pavithra, a certified professional sports massage therapist that has helped improve athlete’s recovery process alongside aiding training, improving performance and preparing the athlete prior to competition through her works with elite athletes. Her sports massage classes will be on 14 September and 26 October on CheerFit x imPAct online zoom platform.

With so many exciting classes for you to attend on our platform, mark the dates down in your calendar so that you will not forget. You can also follow CheerFit for more live updates. Registration for each week’s CheerFit x imPAct session will open on the Tuesday and close at 3pm on Saturday the week before. You can register for the next coming session through the link here.

If you would like to collaborate with us on our CheerFit x imPAct platform, do drop us an email and we will be in touch with you!


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CheerForce Recruitment Drive 2020

Author : CheerForce Singapore


We are truly thankful to those who came down to our CheerForce Recruitment Drive 2020 last Saturday to stunt and mingle with the rest of the Singapore cheerleading community. We are pleased to host around 25 new members on that day, with many of them coming from NTU hall teams.

The ice was broken between everyone during the games at the start of the session where everyone had a good time trying to fit body parts within a piece mats and also not forgetting the fun we had passing the hoops musical chair style.

We went through the theory of coaching tumbling skills such as how to progress from handstand to cartwheel and from chartwheel to round off, we demostrations from CheerForce cheerleaders. We hope that through these progressive techniques, hall seniors and seniors-to-be will be able to help teach their future juniors and new members tumbling techniques in safe and progressive manner.

After tumbling, we went through 180 full up and how it can be transitted into a 360 full up as well as pop full cradle techniques and what is required to achieve an easy double full from any given body positions. The participants were also given the time to try out the skills that was taught and they are really talented as many are able to achieve the twist to extended height within the short session.

We ended the session with synchronised stunt videos and free-an-easy session where members are allowed to go around to mingle and try out skills with other cheerleaders. We would like to thank everyone who came down for our recruitment drive to support us, and our support team and CheerForce cheerleaders who made this recruitment possible for everyone!

The photos from the session will be released on our Facebook page soon so do follow our Facebook page to be notified when it is published! If you’ve missed out on our recruitment, feel free to drop us an email or DM us on our social media as we are constantly recruiting and growing our CheerForce family!

For coaches and cheerleaders, do let us know if you would like to learn more about the progressive training from skills to skills and we would gladly share it with you. Till next time, stunt safe everyone! Cheers!

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Happy Lunar New Year!

Author : CheerForce Singapore


24 days has passed since the calendar new year and here we are celebrating yet another new year! Filled with vibrancy and the auspicious color red, the Lunar New Year is one of the major festival here in Singapore. At CheerForce, we jumped into the festive mood on Wednesday and had our Lunar New Year themed training.

Hosted by our marketing manager Jilane, all of us had a lot of fun and laughter as we tried to form the chinese character for the word rat and the word CNY with our bodies. Apart from that, we also took a CNY team photo and well-wishes video which will be released on our social media soon so stay tuned!

That’s not the end of our CNY celebration! We will be having a CNY steamboat and BBQ dinner after our Chingay Parade 2020 together with our post parade celebration, which will be shared through our social media story on the 2 February so do keep a lookout for it!

The CNY celebration is just the start of a chain of events lined up in our CheerForce calendar. Apart from our usual NDP photoshoot and Dinner & Cheer events, this year CheerForce will be rolling out a series of internal and external events for our team members and the cheerleading community.

Apart from events, we will also be embarking on projects throughout the year such as our team expansion initiative and CheerFit. Both are focused on building cheerleading up from the ground level and both initiatives are still in the preparation stage. Once we have more information ready, we will definitely let you know first hand on our social media.

It is going to be an eventful year for us and we want you to be part of it! Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram as we journey through 2020 together. Want to be part of our amazing cheerleading team but worry that you do not have the relevant cheerleading experience? Do not worry! We do have programs catered for you who has zero experience in cheerleading because we know that everyone starts from ground zero. So if you have always been wanting to be a cheerleader, just drop us a dm on our social media now!

In the meantime, enjoy your Lunar New Year and we wishes all of readers a prosperous and successful year of the rat! Cheers!

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In 2019…

Author : CheerForce Singapore


It’s the time of the year again to reflect back on the memories that we have in the year that is going to pass. 2019 was indeed the most amazing year that we have thus far, achieving many milestones together as a team.

In 2019, we performed for the first time at Chingay Parade, a parade that we have never thought that we will have the opportunity to participate in and we are blessed to be given the opportunity by People’s Association to do so. We are also thankful to People’s Association for recognising our efforts by awarding us with the Best in Contingent Display.

In 2019, we had our first, biggest and longest single performance in a theatre for Project Cognizance’s Concert Reveur. It involved 18 cheerleaders for the 7 minutes long performance. Thank you Project Cognizance for giving us the opportunity to give back to the community.

In 2019, our team participated in our first overseas team competition at CheerForce Cheerleading Championship in Bangkok. With almost two-thirds of new members in the team, we are glad that we put up a good performance at the competition. Fun fact, it was also the first time Tian Yi took up the role of head coach for a team competition! Kuddos!

In 2019, we were grateful to have the opportunity of sending 5 of our athletes to Takasaki, Japan to participate in the Cheerleading World Championships. Among the 31 participating nations, we are humbled to achieve 10th for the Small Group Mixed Category and 7th for the Cheerleading Doubles Category. Good job to our athletes!

In 2019, it was the first time that we had team sponsorships by various sponsors. Huge thank you to our main sponsor ArmourUp Asia, apparel sponsor BiaAthletics, bag sponsor BowForBold and socks sponsor TheSockersCo for supporting us and being part of our journey in 2019.

In 2019, we had the opportunity to meet XiaoMing for the first time on set during our second collaboration with SGAG for “Battle Of The Alphas” series. Thank you SGAG for giving us the platform yet again to promote awareness for cheerleading. It was always a great pleasure to work with the amazing crew from SGAG and we hope next year we will have the opportunity to collaborate again!

Moving forward to 2020, you can expect more awesomeness from us as we continue to work hard together as an unit to make cheerleading great again in Singapore, not only for ourselves but for future generations to come. Here’s to closer friendships, more amazing stunts, and more wonderful memories together as a team together with our partners, sponsors and supporters in our CheerForce family.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a blessed 2020! Cheers!

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CheerForce SG At Viet Nam Cheer Fest 2018

Author : CheerForce Singapore


It is the fourth year of the Viet Nam Cheer Fest happening in Ho Chi Minh City for cheerleaders in Vietnam to come together to compete and decide who is the best. CheerForce SG was proud and honored to be invited as a major partner in this biggest cheerleading event in Ho Chi Minh City.

CheerForce SG sponsored the event with CheerForce SG rigid sport tapes and chilled isotonic drinks for the competitors to enjoy while they prepare for the competition. We were glad to hear feedback from the competitors that they really enjoyed the tapes and drinks that were sponsored and it made the competition more enjoyable for them.

Working with Hung from Sai Gon Beast Squad, our head coach TJ and tumbling coach TY were invited to be the judges for the competition. It was really an eye-opener for us as we got to witness routines not only from teams in Ho Chi Minh City but also from teams in Hanoi, who flew down just to compete.

The flow of events was different from competitions that we have been to in Singapore and Thailand. It all started with the competitors march in with their teams to introduce them to the audiences followed by the introduction of the judges. Flowers were also presented to the judges as a token of appreciation.

As the competitors return to the warm up mats to began their warm up, the competition started with a hip hop dance performance followed by a performance by a talented singer who performed 2 songs for the audience where the audiences sang along. After which, the competition starts officially with the first team taking the mat.

In Ho Chi Minh City, stunts and tumbling are awarded lesser points than other countries as 30% of the score is given to their dance segment. It was something innovative as they edited it to cater to the cheerleading market in Vietnam, where most of the cheerleaders are dancers as well, so as to draw their interests into joining the cheerleading team.

Many teams had really innovative routines which we really enjoy watching. Most of the teams had a theme to their performance, which is not common in competitive cheerleading, and we we believe it will be a trend for competitive cheerleading routines for years to come.

The day before the competition, we were tasked to conduct a cheerleading stunt and tumbling workshop for the competing cheerleaders to teach them proper stunting, tumbling and spotting techniques. Close to a hundrend cheerleaders turned up for the workshop and it proved to be a challenge taking such huge group with just 3 instructors but we took up the challenge confidently with a plan in mind.

The workshop was proven to be a great success as participants later feedback that they understood better on what was taught and learnt a lot more from our CheerForce SG instructors as compared to other instructors in previous years. It was really comforting to hear such affirming feedbacks from the participants despite the language barriers which posed as a challenge during the delivery of the workshop.

Despite the differences in language, we had met many wonderful friends and passionate cheerleaders who are hungry for cheerleading knowledge, to become a better athlete or a bette coach. We would like to thank Hung and his team Sai Gon Beast Squad, and many other friends in Vietnam, for the kind hospitality during our stay there as well as giving us the opportunity to appreciate the cheerleading culture in Vietnam.

Till we meet again, take care, train hard and train safe everyone!

Visit our official website to find out more about us and the cheerleading performances that we have. Contact us now and let us bring the hype to your event!

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Wrapping Things Up In 2018

Author : CheerForce Singapore


December 2019 has been an eventful month for us as events were in high gear and so was our cheerleading performance. On top of that, the team was also busy preparing for Chingay 2019 rehearsals happening in January.

One of the key performances was the half-time show for the Delta League Finals by National Crime Prevention Council held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on the 22 December. It was a great night performing for the families and friends who were there to support the players and it was awesome to hear positive feedback from a satisfied client that the guests and themselves really enjoyed our performance.

What would the end of year be without a countdown party? We were exhilarated to be invited back to Our Tampines Hub on New Year’s Eve to perform for their Countdown 2019 celebration. The energy from the crowd was really awesome and it was a blast performing for everyone who was there to countdown to 2019 together with us! What a great way to wrap things up in 2018!

We are extremely thankful to all the wonderful opportunities that were given to us in the year 2018 and we are truly blessed to be able to work with such wonderful clients to bring a memorable cheerleading experience to their guests at their event. May 2019 bring more opportunities as we continue to provide exhilarating performances for our clients and guests to enjoy!

Visit our official website to find out more about us and the cheerleading performances that we have. Contact us now and let us bring the hype to your event!


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CheerForce Charity Christmas 2018

Author : CheerForce Singapore


Christmas is the season of giving and CheerForce came together as a team this December to give back to the community but with a twist. Instead of giving gifts this festive season, we decided as a team to give our blood.

Yes, that’s right. This year for CheerForce Charity Christmas 2018, we headed to the BloodBank @ Dhoby Ghaut to donate our blood. We got ourselves registered and found that we were given an organisation code ‘P0882’ to allow us to see how much blood has the organisation donated collectively to achieve milestones together.

It was a really stringent process where after registration, all of us had to go through screening by a professional to determine if we were suitable to donate blood. Once approved, we were directed to the blood donation area for the extraction of our blood into a blood bag.

Do you know that with every bag of blood donated, you can save up to 3 lives? The blood will be split into 3 components, the red blood cells, the plasma and the platelets, which is the reason why one bag of blood can saves up to 3 lives. It was a really fulfiling experience for the team knowing that we potenially saved up to 21 lives just on the day itself.

Although the number may be small, we got to start somewhere to amount to something big for the community. So join us in our efforts to give back to the community and save lives!

Visit our official website to find out more about us and the cheerleading performances that we have. Contact us now and let us bring the hype to your event!


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Chingay 2019 Media Conference & Road Show

Author : CheerForce Singapore


It was our great privilege to be invited by the People’s Association to showcase cheerleading at the Chingay Media Conference and Road Show 2018 held at the Our Tampines Hub on the 23rd and 24th November.

We had a great time bringing cheerleading to the public through our display of gravity-defying stunts and dynamic acrobatic flips and we were glad that the crowd enjoyed our performance very much.

It was really amzing to be able to see other talented acts that would be performing together with us at the Chingay 2019. All them them were so creative in the costume design as well as their performance choreography which was an eye-opener for us be able to witness the other performers in action at the media conference and road show.

We are really looking forward to sharing the stage with all the performers on 15th and 16th February 2019 at the Chingay Parade 2019 where perform to this year’s bicentennial edition’s theme Dreams Funtasia. We are super excited to be given this oppostunity to perform for such a huge event together with our overseas counterparts from Thailand and Vietnam.

Stay tuned to our social media on Instagram and Facebook as we will be bringing you backstage to take a look as our cheerleaders prepares for Chingay 2019!

Visit our official website to find out more about us and the cheerleading performances that we have. Contact us now and let us bring the hype to your event!


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Mediacorp Subaru Car Challenge 2018 & Car-Free Weekend

Author : CheerForce Singapore


It has been an eventful weekend for CheerForce SG as we got to bring cheerleading to the public thanks to Mediacorp and Active SG for allowing us to be their cheerleading service provider at the Mediacorp Subaru Car Challenge 2018 and the Car-Free Weekend.

The Mediacorp Subaru Car Challenge was an inspiring experience for us as we perform and cheered the participants on as they brave the weather to be the last person standing. Seeing their determination and endurance was really admirable.

It was fulfilling to bring smiles to those who came forward to experience cheerleading with us. Many enjoyed flying in the air and have their first ever stunt photo taken with us. It was awesome to give so many people a delightful first cheerleading experience.

Being the first cheerleading team in Singapore to incorporate LED into cheerleading, we were fortunate to share this experience with many people at the Car-Free Weekend, where they got to have photos taken with our LED props and outfits which looks amazing in the night sky.

The outfit that grabbed the attention of most cameras was the LED wings which looks stunning, like a pair of angel wings spread open to illuminate the darkness. Many passers-by stopped in their tracks and whipped out their phones to capture photos of the magnificent sight.

We are really thankful to be given such platforms for us to bring wonderful cheerleading experience to the public in Singapore, hoping to increase the awareness of the sport of cheerleading through our efforts.

CheerForce Outreach events this weekend was a successful one and we hope to meet even more people at our future outreach events. So stay tuned as we work towards bringing you more awesome cheerleading experiences!

Visit our official website to find out more about us and the cheerleading performances that we have. Contact us now and let us bring the hype to your event!


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CFXVQ 2018 CF Elite Cheer Exchange Tour

Author : CheerForce Singapore


The term CFXVQ might sound foreign to many people but to members of CheerForce SG, it is something we hold close to heart.

It all started back in May 2016 when we decided to reach out into the Thailand cheerleading market for an overseas exchange. Being a young team of only one year old, it was not easy to have teams that wanted to have exchange with us.

After reaching out to 6 teams, we got in contact with P’Tan. We made an overseas call, confirmed the dates of our exchange and our first exchange with Vanquish Cheerleading Team was set.

Throughout the past 2 years, we have made numerous trips to Thailand for exchanges with them. As we try to work past the language barriers, cheerleading has always been the common language that we speak and through cheerleading, we have built stronger and fonder memories together.

Earlier this month, 10 of us made a trip up to Thailand for our CFXVQ 2018 exchange. Despite both teams having new training place and new members in the team, the feeling of family is still always there.

Every exchange feels like a long awaited family reunion of brothers and sisters and it’s always heart warming to see their faces welcoming us every time without fail.

Despite them busy having practices for their upcoming competition, we had a great time bonding with them during their breaks and after training as we exchanged skills, laughters, Facebook and Instagram.

On the day that we are leaving Bangkok, we were touched that the team came to send us off at the airport. As we took our last few photos and hugged them goodbye, we know that we will see each other again soon, in Singapore or in Thailand.

This exchange may be a first for many of the members of both teams and we hope that we will all keep in contact on the team level as well as on the personal level so that when we meet again, we will have more stories to tell, more memories to share.

We are very fortunate to have the support of Vanquish Cheerleading Team for the past two years and we look forward to many more years of friendship to come! Special thanks to P’Tan and P’Ben for their unconditional support and always believing in us!

CheerForce & Vanquish! Two Teams, One Family!